10 antrenori in filme (1)

Ce nu poate sa lipseasca de langa un mare sportiv? Evident un antrenor pe masura. Omul cu metodele cele mai originale de antrenament, cu vorba buna la nevoie, cu discursul mobilizator, strict in pregatire, corect cu aprecierile... Ca ii zice coach / doc / sir / mister … el este omul din umbra, responsabilul de facto pentru reusita. Cel putin asta e portretul obisnuit pe la Hollywood. Exemplificam.

1. Coach Carter

Anul: 2005
Sport: baschet
Nume: Ken Carter
Actor: Samuel L. Jackson
Povestea: tipul care revine in liceul rau famat unde a invatat sa antreneze o echipa de loseri
Trickul: contracte scrise cu tinuta obligatorie, respectul fata de colegi si performantele academice
Vorba de duh: What's your deepest fear?

2. Peaceful Warrior

Anul: 2006
Sport: gimnastica
Nume: Socrates
Actor: Nick Nolte
Povestea: pustanul cu genunchiul varza gaseste un sprijin neasteptat
Trickul: discutiile zen
Vorba de duh: Life has just three rules. Paradox, humour, and change. Paradox... Life is a mystery. Don't waste time trying to figure it out. Humour... Keep a sense of humour, especially about yourself. It is a strength beyond all measure. Change... Know that nothing stays the same.

3. Any Given Sunday

Anul: 1999
Sport: fotbal american
Nume: Tony D’Amato
Actor: Al Pacino
Povestea: antrenorul imbatranit meets patroana flamanda de succes
Trickul: speechurile mobilizatoare gen „murim cu ei de gat”
Vorba de duh: On any given Sunday you're gonna win or you're gonna lose. The point is - can you win or lose like a man?

4. Mean Machine

Anul: 2001
Sport: fotbal european
Nume: Danny Meehan
Actor: Vinnie Jones
Povestea: fotbalistul ajuns la bulau o da pe antrenorat
Trickul: baza de selectie, desi restransa, ii ofera variante interesante
Vorba de duh: Oh right lads, you wanna be nothing, prisoners... numbers... that's fine. But you win out there today and you'll have something to remember forever, talk about it over and over, because up and down the country there are cons that are pig sick of not being here in your shoes... just to have one crack at those bastards next door!


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